Residency Requirements

Residency and Allotted Timeframe for Degree Completion

The Oxford College academic program is designed for completion in two years, consisting of sequential fall and spring semesters. The minimum number of hours required for a regular semester is twelve. Oxford College’s academic program does not require summer school coursework; see “Summer School” for additional information. Students who attempt but do not complete regular semesters may require additional enrollment beyond two years of regular, sequential fall and spring semesters. Both fall and spring start students must complete at least three regular semesters (fall and spring semesters only—summer study in Atlanta does not count towards this requirement) at Oxford.

Students needing an additional semester beyond five regular semesters to attain minimum standards for continuation or graduation must be granted permission to enroll by the associate dean of academic affairs and must take all required work at Oxford College or Emory University Summer School. In such cases, the additional semester will normally be the next consecutive one.

All students must complete a minimum of 54 credits while enrolled at Oxford College, the final eight (8) of which must be taken at Oxford College or Emory University Summer School.

Student responsibilities (illustrative not exhaustive): satisfy all residency requirements and complete Oxford College’s academic program within the proscribed timeframe and guidelines.