Financial Assistance

Grants, loans, and on-campus employment tailored to individual need are available. Oxford works to combine scholarships, grants, and part-time employment with parental assistance to help students do their best work without financial strain.

A student must reapply for financial aid by the published deadline each year. Provided the student continues to demonstrate financial need and remains in good academic standing with a GPA of 2.0 or greater, a first-year recipient can expect an aid package to be renewed for the sophomore year at Oxford. Given continued demonstration of need, and applying for aid on time each year, students continuing to the Atlanta campus for their junior and senior years can expect to receive the same percentage of tuition in need-based aid that they received at Oxford.

Need-based grants are administered for an academic year, provided the student is not placed on academic probation for two consecutive semesters. Per federal policy (CFR 668.34), Emory University is required to maintain a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy, which measures a student's academic progress. In order to remain eligible for financial aid at Emory, a student must successfully meet all SAP requirements. There are two main components of the SAP policy, qualitative and quantitative, with three areas of interest. For Oxford College, those requirements are as follows:

The qualitative component measures a student's GPA. The SAP requirement is that each student maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA at all times. The quantitative component measures two areas of interest: the completion ratio and maximum timeframe. For completion ratio, a student must earn 67% of the total attempted hours. The maximum timeframe requirement dictates that a student must complete their degree within 150% of the published degree length. For Oxford College, the published degree length is 66 credit hours, thus the maximum hours a student may attempt is 99 credit hours. Note that attempted hours are all classes that were taken toward the completion of the degree regardless of the grade earned. Classes assigned grades of Unsatisfactory (U), Incomplete (I), In Progress (IP), Not Graded, or Withdrawal (W) are all considered attempted credits.

If at any time a student fails to meet the published SAP requirements, they will be disqualified from receiving financial aid at Emory University. A student may appeal their disqualification and the SAP committee will review, deliberate, and agree upon a decision within a reasonable time frame. Note, a student may only appeal their SAP status three (3) times during the duration of their degree, after the third appeal, no further appeals will be accepted or considered. If you have any questions regarding the SAP policy, please review the published SAP policy.

Emory University uses both the College Scholarship Service Profile (CSS Profile) and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for financial aid for incoming students. The College Scholarship Service is a cooperative program for handling confidential statements submitted by parents in support of applications for financial assistance.

Both the CSS Profile and FAFSA forms should be filed online at and, respectively. Signed copies of all student and parent tax returns, business taxes, schedules, and W2 forms must be sent to the IDOC processor through the College Scholarship Service. For students who apply under the Early Decision I deadline, these statements should be sent by December 1 in order to ensure financial aid will be received prior to the December 15 deposit deadline.

January 15 is the priority deadline for students who apply under Early Decision II and February 15 for those who apply under Regular Decision. Financial aid packages for entering students with complete financial aid files are available 48 to 72 hours after the admission notification is made available. Financial aid packages for returning and continuing students will be available in the summer. Returning and continuing students are only required to complete a FAFSA for financial aid, not a CSS Profile.

Only applicants who have been accepted for admission or who already are enrolled will be packaged for financial aid. Please view all financial requirements at

Federal financial aid laws and regulations require that each state have a process to review and act on complaint concerning educational institutions in the state. If you have a complaint, you may, of course, file a complaint with Emory’s financial aid office or call the Trust Line at 1.888.550.8850.

You may also file a complaint about Emory University with the State of Georgia Office of Inspector General by following the directions at the Office of Inspector General (OIG) website. In the event that OIG receives a student complaint relating to financial aid, it will be forwarded to the Office of Inspector General of the US Department of Education.